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WorkFace Planning for the Execution of Maintenance Activities, Shutdowns, and Turnarounds in Petrochemical Facilities


In the past year, EREB31 International KFT has enthusiastically embraced supporting companies specialized in petrochemical plant reviews and turnarounds. We would like to express deep gratitude to Sicimontaggi S.R.L  for providing us with the opportunity to collaborate during the recent turnarounds and turnkey projects with prominent clients such as OMV Petrom;  INA – INDUSTRIJA NAFTE d.d and  KT – Kinetics Technology.

The recent turnaround at the Rijeka refinery with the client INA was successfully completed, confirming the success of the undertaken path and even surpassing the time expectations, achieving mechanical completion not only within the established timelines but ahead of schedule.

SICIMONTAGGI, the winner of the contract with INA – INDUSTRIJA NAFTE d.d., acted as the General Contractor for the turnaround works of the platform complex (GP2) at the Rijeka refinery, offering a turnkey solution and skillfully managing various project phases, including Mechanical Works, Scaffolding, Insulation, Instrumentation, Catalyst Replacement Assistance, Cleaning, Corrosion Protection, Controls and Technical Inspections, and Refractories.

Special thanks also go to Medea Impianti S.p.A; CFL ; NMT ; EFFEGI for their valuable support and professionalism.

In a complex context like that of petrochemical facilities, WorkFace Planning (WFP) is crucial. This methodology, explored in our article through on-field experience, reveals its profound impact on safety in petrochemical environments.

Importance of WorkFace Planning:

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: WorkFace Planning serves as a beacon for efficient resource allocation. By optimizing the deployment of personnel, equipment, and materials, WFP reduces downtime and improves overall productivity. This meticulous planning ensures that every project element is in the right place at the right time.
  • Complete Scope Definition: The heart of every successful project lies in defining its scope. WFP breaks down the scope into manageable components, providing a detailed roadmap for project managers. This not only fosters better understanding but also allows proactive problem resolution, reducing the likelihood of unforeseen challenges.
  • Enhanced Safety Measures: Perhaps the most crucial aspect of WFP is its unwavering commitment to safety. From the project’s outset, safety measures are intricately woven into the planning. Identifying potential hazards and implementing preventive measures ensures a safe working environment, reducing the risk of incidents and injuries

Key Components of WorkFace Planning:

  • Scope Definition: Clearly defining the scope of work ensures that all stakeholders have a unified understanding of project requirements, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors.
  • Work Package Development: Detailed work packages form the backbone of WFP, providing a complete breakdown of tasks, materials, and resources for each project phase. This meticulous planning enhances overall project efficiency.
  • Work Planning: Efficient planning optimizes resource utilization and contributes to a smooth workflow.
  • Materials Management: WFP strategies for materials management include timely procurement, delivery, and stock management, preventing delays and ensuring a seamless supply chain.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensuring that the right personnel, equipment, and tools are assigned to each task promotes optimal efficiency and contributes to the overall success of the project.
  • Information Management: Accurate information management, facilitated by technology, ensures real-time access to critical data.

Real-World Applications:

Case studies and successes, such as the turnaround at the Rijeka refinery, highlight the tangible benefits of WFP in improving safety, productivity, and project outcomes.

Benefits of WorkFace Planning:

  • Improved Safety: Integrating safety measures from the project’s outset significantly reduces the risk of incidents, promoting a safe working environment for all stakeholders.
  • Increased Productivity: Optimized workflows, efficient resource utilization, and effective planning contribute to increased productivity, ensuring that projects are completed within planned timelines.
  • Cost Control: WFP reduces downtime, prevents material shortages, and optimizes resource utilization, contributing to cost control.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Improved communication and collaboration among project stakeholders lead to better decisions, fewer conflicts, and a more cohesive and efficient project team.


In the field of petrochemical maintenance, the implementation of WorkFace Planning emerges not only as an efficiency catalyst but also as a guardian of safety. Its holistic approach, from meticulous planning to resource optimization, ensures that projects are not only successfully completed but that every individual involved returns home safely.